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- /* vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4:
- *
- * VIM - Vi IMproved by Bram Moolenaar
- * GUI/Motif support by Robert Webb
- *
- * Do ":help uganda" in Vim to read copying and usage conditions.
- * Do ":help credits" in Vim to see a list of people who contributed.
- * See README.txt for an overview of the Vim source code.
- */
- /*
- * Code for menus. Used for the GUI and 'wildmenu'.
- */
- #include "vim.h"
- #if defined(FEAT_MENU) || defined(PROTO)
- #define MENUDEPTH 10 /* maximum depth of menus */
- #ifdef FEAT_GUI_W32
- static int add_menu_path __ARGS((char_u *, vimmenu_T *, int *, char_u *, int));
- #else
- static int add_menu_path __ARGS((char_u *, vimmenu_T *, int *, char_u *));
- #endif
- static int menu_nable_recurse __ARGS((vimmenu_T *menu, char_u *name, int modes, int enable));
- static int remove_menu __ARGS((vimmenu_T **, char_u *, int, int silent));
- static void free_menu __ARGS((vimmenu_T **menup));
- static void free_menu_string __ARGS((vimmenu_T *, int));
- static int show_menus __ARGS((char_u *, int));
- static void show_menus_recursive __ARGS((vimmenu_T *, int, int));
- static int menu_name_equal __ARGS((char_u *name, vimmenu_T *menu));
- static int menu_namecmp __ARGS((char_u *name, char_u *mname));
- static int get_menu_cmd_modes __ARGS((char_u *, int, int *, int *));
- static char_u *popup_mode_name __ARGS((char_u *name, int idx));
- static char_u *menu_text __ARGS((char_u *text, int *mnemonic, char_u **actext));
- #ifdef FEAT_GUI
- static int get_menu_mode __ARGS((void));
- static void gui_update_menus_recurse __ARGS((vimmenu_T *, int));
- #endif
- #if defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) && defined(FEAT_TEAROFF)
- static void gui_create_tearoffs_recurse __ARGS((vimmenu_T *menu, const char_u *pname, int *pri_tab, int pri_idx));
- static void gui_add_tearoff __ARGS((char_u *tearpath, int *pri_tab, int pri_idx));
- static void gui_destroy_tearoffs_recurse __ARGS((vimmenu_T *menu));
- static int s_tearoffs = FALSE;
- #endif
- static int menu_is_hidden __ARGS((char_u *name));
- #if defined(FEAT_CMDL_COMPL) || (defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) && defined(FEAT_TEAROFF))
- static int menu_is_tearoff __ARGS((char_u *name));
- #endif
- #if defined(FEAT_MULTI_LANG) || defined(FEAT_TOOLBAR)
- static char_u *menu_skip_part __ARGS((char_u *p));
- #endif
- static char_u *menutrans_lookup __ARGS((char_u *name, int len));
- #endif
- /* The character for each menu mode */
- static char_u menu_mode_chars[] = {'n', 'v', 'o', 'i', 'c', 't'};
- static char_u e_notsubmenu[] = N_("E327: Part of menu-item path is not sub-menu");
- static char_u e_othermode[] = N_("E328: Menu only exists in another mode");
- static char_u e_nomenu[] = N_("E329: No menu of that name");
- static const char *toolbar_names[] =
- {
- /* 0 */ "New", "Open", "Save", "Undo", "Redo",
- /* 5 */ "Cut", "Copy", "Paste", "Print", "Help",
- /* 10 */ "Find", "SaveAll", "SaveSesn", "NewSesn", "LoadSesn",
- /* 15 */ "RunScript", "Replace", "WinClose", "WinMax", "WinMin",
- /* 20 */ "WinSplit", "Shell", "FindPrev", "FindNext", "FindHelp",
- /* 25 */ "Make", "TagJump", "RunCtags", "WinVSplit", "WinMaxWidth",
- /* 30 */ "WinMinWidth", "Exit"
- };
- # define TOOLBAR_NAME_COUNT (sizeof(toolbar_names) / sizeof(char *))
- #endif
- /*
- * Do the :menu command and relatives.
- */
- void
- ex_menu(eap)
- exarg_T *eap; /* Ex command arguments */
- {
- char_u *menu_path;
- int modes;
- char_u *map_to;
- int noremap;
- int silent = FALSE;
- int unmenu;
- char_u *map_buf;
- char_u *arg;
- char_u *p;
- int i;
- #if defined(FEAT_GUI) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_GTK)
- int old_menu_height;
- # if defined(FEAT_TOOLBAR) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_W16)
- int old_toolbar_height;
- # endif
- #endif
- int pri_tab[MENUDEPTH + 1];
- int enable = MAYBE; /* TRUE for "menu enable", FALSE for "menu
- * disable */
- char_u *tofree = NULL;
- char_u *new_cmd;
- #endif
- char_u *icon = NULL;
- #endif
- vimmenu_T menuarg;
- modes = get_menu_cmd_modes(eap->cmd, eap->forceit, &noremap, &unmenu);
- arg = eap->arg;
- for (;;)
- {
- if (STRNCMP(arg, "<script>", 8) == 0)
- {
- noremap = REMAP_SCRIPT;
- arg = skipwhite(arg + 8);
- continue;
- }
- if (STRNCMP(arg, "<silent>", 8) == 0)
- {
- silent = TRUE;
- arg = skipwhite(arg + 8);
- continue;
- }
- break;
- }
- /* Locate an optional "icon=filename" argument. */
- if (STRNCMP(arg, "icon=", 5) == 0)
- {
- arg += 5;
- icon = arg;
- #endif
- while (*arg != NUL && *arg != ' ')
- {
- if (*arg == '\\')
- mch_memmove(arg, arg + 1, STRLEN(arg));
- #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
- if (has_mbyte)
- arg += (*mb_ptr2len_check)(arg);
- else
- #endif
- ++arg;
- }
- if (*arg != NUL)
- {
- *arg++ = NUL;
- arg = skipwhite(arg);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Fill in the priority table.
- */
- for (p = arg; *p; ++p)
- if (!isdigit(*p) && *p != '.')
- break;
- if (vim_iswhite(*p))
- {
- for (i = 0; i < MENUDEPTH && !vim_iswhite(*arg); ++i)
- {
- pri_tab[i] = getdigits(&arg);
- if (pri_tab[i] == 0)
- pri_tab[i] = 500;
- if (*arg == '.')
- ++arg;
- }
- arg = skipwhite(arg);
- }
- else if (eap->addr_count && eap->line2 != 0)
- {
- pri_tab[0] = eap->line2;
- i = 1;
- }
- else
- i = 0;
- while (i < MENUDEPTH)
- pri_tab[i++] = 500;
- pri_tab[MENUDEPTH] = -1; /* mark end of the table */
- /*
- * Check for "disable" or "enable" argument.
- */
- if (STRNCMP(arg, "enable", 6) == 0 && vim_iswhite(arg[6]))
- {
- enable = TRUE;
- arg = skipwhite(arg + 6);
- }
- else if (STRNCMP(arg, "disable", 7) == 0 && vim_iswhite(arg[7]))
- {
- enable = FALSE;
- arg = skipwhite(arg + 7);
- }
- /*
- * If there is no argument, display all menus.
- */
- if (*arg == NUL)
- {
- show_menus(arg, modes);
- return;
- }
- /*
- * Need to get the toolbar icon index before doing the translation.
- */
- menuarg.iconidx = -1;
- menuarg.icon_builtin = FALSE;
- if (menu_is_toolbar(arg))
- {
- menu_path = menu_skip_part(arg);
- if (*menu_path == '.')
- {
- p = menu_skip_part(++menu_path);
- if (STRNCMP(menu_path, "BuiltIn", 7) == 0)
- {
- if (skipdigits(menu_path + 7) == p)
- {
- menuarg.iconidx = atoi((char *)menu_path + 7);
- if (menuarg.iconidx >= TOOLBAR_NAME_COUNT)
- menuarg.iconidx = -1;
- else
- menuarg.icon_builtin = TRUE;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for (i = 0; i < TOOLBAR_NAME_COUNT; ++i)
- if (STRNCMP(toolbar_names[i], menu_path, p - menu_path)
- == 0)
- {
- menuarg.iconidx = i;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- #endif
- /*
- * Translate menu names as specified with ":menutrans" commands.
- */
- menu_path = arg;
- while (*menu_path)
- {
- /* find the end of one part and check if it should be translated */
- p = menu_skip_part(menu_path);
- map_to = menutrans_lookup(menu_path, (int)(p - menu_path));
- if (map_to != NULL)
- {
- /* found a match: replace with the translated part */
- i = (int)STRLEN(map_to);
- new_cmd = alloc((unsigned)STRLEN(arg) + i + 1);
- if (new_cmd == NULL)
- break;
- mch_memmove(new_cmd, arg, menu_path - arg);
- mch_memmove(new_cmd + (menu_path - arg), map_to, (size_t)i);
- STRCPY(new_cmd + (menu_path - arg) + i, p);
- p = new_cmd + (menu_path - arg) + i;
- vim_free(tofree);
- tofree = new_cmd;
- arg = new_cmd;
- }
- if (*p != '.')
- break;
- menu_path = p + 1;
- }
- #endif
- /*
- * Isolate the menu name.
- * Skip the menu name, and translate <Tab> into a real TAB.
- */
- menu_path = arg;
- if (*menu_path == '.')
- {
- EMSG2(_(e_invarg2), menu_path);
- goto theend;
- }
- while (*arg && !vim_iswhite(*arg))
- {
- if ((*arg == '\\' || *arg == Ctrl_V) && arg[1] != NUL)
- arg++;
- else if (STRNICMP(arg, "<TAB>", 5) == 0)
- {
- *arg = TAB;
- mch_memmove(arg + 1, arg + 5, STRLEN(arg + 4));
- }
- arg++;
- }
- if (*arg != NUL)
- *arg++ = NUL;
- arg = skipwhite(arg);
- map_to = arg;
- /*
- * If there is only a menu name, display menus with that name.
- */
- if (*map_to == NUL && !unmenu && enable == MAYBE)
- {
- show_menus(menu_path, modes);
- goto theend;
- }
- else if (*map_to != NUL && (unmenu || enable != MAYBE))
- {
- EMSG(_(e_trailing));
- goto theend;
- }
- #if defined(FEAT_GUI) && !(defined(FEAT_GUI_GTK) || defined(FEAT_GUI_PHOTON))
- old_menu_height = gui.menu_height;
- # if defined(FEAT_TOOLBAR) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_W16)
- old_toolbar_height = gui.toolbar_height;
- # endif
- #endif
- if (enable != MAYBE)
- {
- /*
- * Change sensitivity of the menu.
- * Careful: menu_nable_recurse() changes menu_path.
- */
- if (STRCMP(menu_path, "*") == 0) /* meaning: do all menus */
- menu_path = (char_u *)"";
- menu_nable_recurse(root_menu, menu_path, modes, enable);
- }
- else if (unmenu)
- {
- /*
- * Delete menu(s).
- */
- if (STRCMP(menu_path, "*") == 0) /* meaning: remove all menus */
- menu_path = (char_u *)"";
- /*
- * For the PopUp menu, remove a menu for each mode separately.
- */
- if (menu_is_popup(menu_path))
- {
- for (i = 0; i < MENU_INDEX_TIP; ++i)
- if (modes & (1 << i))
- {
- p = popup_mode_name(menu_path, i);
- if (p != NULL)
- {
- remove_menu(&root_menu, p, MENU_ALL_MODES, TRUE);
- vim_free(p);
- }
- }
- }
- /* Careful: remove_menu() changes menu_path */
- remove_menu(&root_menu, menu_path, modes, FALSE);
- }
- else
- {
- /*
- * Add menu(s).
- * Replace special key codes.
- */
- map_to = replace_termcodes(map_to, &map_buf, FALSE, TRUE);
- menuarg.modes = modes;
- menuarg.iconfile = icon;
- #endif
- menuarg.noremap[0] = noremap;
- menuarg.silent[0] = silent;
- add_menu_path(menu_path, &menuarg, pri_tab, map_to
- #ifdef FEAT_GUI_W32
- , TRUE
- #endif
- );
- /*
- * For the PopUp menu, add a menu for each mode separately.
- */
- if (menu_is_popup(menu_path))
- {
- for (i = 0; i < MENU_INDEX_TIP; ++i)
- if (modes & (1 << i))
- {
- p = popup_mode_name(menu_path, i);
- if (p != NULL)
- {
- /* Include all modes, to make ":amenu" work */
- menuarg.modes = modes;
- menuarg.iconfile = NULL;
- menuarg.iconidx = -1;
- menuarg.icon_builtin = FALSE;
- #endif
- add_menu_path(p, &menuarg, pri_tab, map_to
- #ifdef FEAT_GUI_W32
- , TRUE
- #endif
- );
- vim_free(p);
- }
- }
- }
- vim_free(map_buf);
- }
- #if defined(FEAT_GUI) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_GTK)
- /* If the menubar height changed, resize the window */
- if (gui.in_use
- && (gui.menu_height != old_menu_height
- # if defined(FEAT_TOOLBAR) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_W16)
- || gui.toolbar_height != old_toolbar_height
- # endif
- ))
- gui_set_shellsize(FALSE, FALSE);
- #endif
- theend:
- vim_free(tofree);
- #else
- ;
- #endif
- }
- /*
- * Add the menu with the given name to the menu hierarchy
- */
- static int
- add_menu_path(menu_path, menuarg, pri_tab, call_data
- #ifdef FEAT_GUI_W32
- , addtearoff
- #endif
- )
- char_u *menu_path;
- vimmenu_T *menuarg; /* passes modes, iconfile, iconidx,
- icon_builtin, silent[0], noremap[0] */
- int *pri_tab;
- char_u *call_data;
- #ifdef FEAT_GUI_W32
- int addtearoff; /* may add tearoff item */
- #endif
- {
- char_u *path_name;
- int modes = menuarg->modes;
- vimmenu_T **menup;
- vimmenu_T *menu = NULL;
- vimmenu_T *parent;
- vimmenu_T **lower_pri;
- char_u *p;
- char_u *name;
- char_u *dname;
- char_u *next_name;
- int i;
- int c;
- #ifdef FEAT_GUI
- int idx;
- int new_idx;
- #endif
- int pri_idx = 0;
- int old_modes = 0;
- int amenu;
- /* Make a copy so we can stuff around with it, since it could be const */
- path_name = vim_strsave(menu_path);
- if (path_name == NULL)
- return FAIL;
- menup = &root_menu;
- parent = NULL;
- name = path_name;
- while (*name)
- {
- /* Get name of this element in the menu hierarchy, and the simplified
- * name (without mnemonic and accelerator text). */
- next_name = menu_name_skip(name);
- dname = menu_text(name, NULL, NULL);
- /* See if it's already there */
- lower_pri = menup;
- #ifdef FEAT_GUI
- idx = 0;
- new_idx = 0;
- #endif
- menu = *menup;
- while (menu != NULL)
- {
- if (menu_name_equal(name, menu) || menu_name_equal(dname, menu))
- {
- if (*next_name == NUL && menu->children != NULL)
- {
- if (!sys_menu)
- EMSG(_("E330: Menu path must not lead to a sub-menu"));
- goto erret;
- }
- if (*next_name != NUL && menu->children == NULL
- #ifdef FEAT_GUI_W32
- && addtearoff
- #endif
- )
- {
- if (!sys_menu)
- EMSG(_(e_notsubmenu));
- goto erret;
- }
- break;
- }
- menup = &menu->next;
- /* Count menus, to find where this one needs to be inserted.
- * Ignore menus that are not in the menubar (PopUp and Toolbar) */
- if (parent != NULL || menu_is_menubar(menu->name))
- {
- #ifdef FEAT_GUI
- ++idx;
- #endif
- if (menu->priority <= pri_tab[pri_idx])
- {
- lower_pri = menup;
- #ifdef FEAT_GUI
- new_idx = idx;
- #endif
- }
- }
- menu = menu->next;
- }
- if (menu == NULL)
- {
- if (*next_name == NUL && parent == NULL)
- {
- EMSG(_("E331: Must not add menu items directly to menu bar"));
- goto erret;
- }
- if (menu_is_separator(dname) && *next_name != NUL)
- {
- EMSG(_("E332: Separator cannot be part of a menu path"));
- goto erret;
- }
- /* Not already there, so lets add it */
- menu = (vimmenu_T *)alloc_clear((unsigned)sizeof(vimmenu_T));
- if (menu == NULL)
- goto erret;
- menu->modes = modes;
- menu->enabled = MENU_ALL_MODES;
- menu->name = vim_strsave(name);
- /* separate mnemonic and accelerator text from actual menu name */
- menu->dname = menu_text(name, &menu->mnemonic, &menu->actext);
- menu->priority = pri_tab[pri_idx];
- menu->parent = parent;
- menu->sensitive = TRUE; /* the default */
- #endif
- #ifdef FEAT_BEVAL
- menu->tip = NULL;
- #endif
- menu->image = None; /* X-Windows definition for NULL*/
- #endif
- /*
- * Add after menu that has lower priority.
- */
- menu->next = *lower_pri;
- *lower_pri = menu;
- old_modes = 0;
- menu->iconidx = menuarg->iconidx;
- menu->icon_builtin = menuarg->icon_builtin;
- if (*next_name == NUL && menuarg->iconfile != NULL)
- menu->iconfile = vim_strsave(menuarg->iconfile);
- #endif
- #if defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) && defined(FEAT_TEAROFF)
- /* the tearoff item must be present in the modes of each item. */
- if (parent != NULL && menu_is_tearoff(parent->children->dname))
- parent->children->modes |= modes;
- #endif
- }
- else
- {
- old_modes = menu->modes;
- /*
- * If this menu option was previously only available in other
- * modes, then make sure it's available for this one now
- * Also enable a menu when it's created or changed.
- */
- #ifdef FEAT_GUI_W32
- /* If adding a tearbar (addtearoff == FALSE) don't update modes */
- if (addtearoff)
- #endif
- {
- menu->modes |= modes;
- menu->enabled |= modes;
- }
- }
- #ifdef FEAT_GUI
- /*
- * Add the menu item when it's used in one of the modes, but not when
- * only a tooltip is defined.
- */
- if ((old_modes & MENU_ALL_MODES) == 0
- && (menu->modes & MENU_ALL_MODES) != 0)
- {
- if (gui.in_use) /* Otherwise it will be added when GUI starts */
- {
- if (*next_name == NUL)
- {
- /* Real menu item, not sub-menu */
- gui_mch_add_menu_item(menu, new_idx);
- /* Want to update menus now even if mode not changed */
- force_menu_update = TRUE;
- }
- else
- {
- /* Sub-menu (not at end of path yet) */
- gui_mch_add_menu(menu, new_idx);
- }
- }
- # if defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) & defined(FEAT_TEAROFF)
- /* When adding a new submenu, may add a tearoff item */
- if ( addtearoff
- && *next_name
- && vim_strchr(p_go, GO_TEAROFF) != NULL
- && menu_is_menubar(name))
- {
- char_u *tearpath;
- /*
- * The pointers next_name & path_name refer to a string with
- * \'s and ^V's stripped out. But menu_path is a "raw"
- * string, so we must correct for special characters.
- */
- tearpath = alloc((unsigned int)STRLEN(menu_path) + TEAR_LEN + 2);
- if (tearpath != NULL)
- {
- char_u *s;
- int idx;
- STRCPY(tearpath, menu_path);
- idx = (int)(next_name - path_name - 1);
- for (s = tearpath; *s && s < tearpath + idx; ++s)
- {
- if ((*s == '\\' || *s == Ctrl_V) && s[1])
- {
- ++idx;
- ++s;
- }
- # ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
- if (has_mbyte)
- s += (*mb_ptr2len_check)(s) - 1;
- # endif
- }
- tearpath[idx] = NUL;
- gui_add_tearoff(tearpath, pri_tab, pri_idx);
- vim_free(tearpath);
- }
- }
- # endif
- }
- #endif /* FEAT_GUI */
- menup = &menu->children;
- parent = menu;
- name = next_name;
- vim_free(dname);
- if (pri_tab[pri_idx + 1] != -1)
- ++pri_idx;
- }
- vim_free(path_name);
- /*
- * Only add system menu items which have not been defined yet.
- * First check if this was an ":amenu".
- */
- amenu = ((modes & (MENU_NORMAL_MODE | MENU_INSERT_MODE)) ==
- if (sys_menu)
- modes &= ~old_modes;
- if (menu != NULL && modes)
- {
- #ifdef FEAT_GUI
- menu->cb = gui_menu_cb;
- #endif
- p = (call_data == NULL) ? NULL : vim_strsave(call_data);
- /* loop over all modes, may add more than one */
- for (i = 0; i < MENU_MODES; ++i)
- {
- if (modes & (1 << i))
- {
- /* free any old menu */
- free_menu_string(menu, i);
- /* For "amenu", may insert an extra character */
- /* Don't do this if adding a tearbar (addtearoff == FALSE) */
- c = 0;
- if (amenu
- #ifdef FEAT_GUI_W32
- && addtearoff
- #endif
- )
- {
- switch (1 << i)
- {
- c = Ctrl_C;
- break;
- c = Ctrl_O;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (c)
- {
- menu->strings[i] = alloc((unsigned)(STRLEN(call_data) + 2));
- if (menu->strings[i] != NULL)
- {
- menu->strings[i][0] = c;
- STRCPY(menu->strings[i] + 1, call_data);
- }
- }
- else
- menu->strings[i] = p;
- menu->noremap[i] = menuarg->noremap[0];
- menu->silent[i] = menuarg->silent[0];
- }
- }
- #if defined(FEAT_TOOLBAR) && defined(FEAT_BEVAL)
- /* Need to update the menu tip. */
- if (modes & MENU_TIP_MODE)
- gui_mch_menu_set_tip(menu);
- #endif
- }
- return OK;
- erret:
- vim_free(path_name);
- vim_free(dname);
- return FAIL;
- }
- /*
- * Set the (sub)menu with the given name to enabled or disabled.
- * Called recursively.
- */
- static int
- menu_nable_recurse(menu, name, modes, enable)
- vimmenu_T *menu;
- char_u *name;
- int modes;
- int enable;
- {
- char_u *p;
- if (menu == NULL)
- return OK; /* Got to bottom of hierarchy */
- /* Get name of this element in the menu hierarchy */
- p = menu_name_skip(name);
- /* Find the menu */
- while (menu != NULL)
- {
- if (*name == NUL || *name == '*' || menu_name_equal(name, menu))
- {
- if (*p != NUL)
- {
- if (menu->children == NULL)
- {
- EMSG(_(e_notsubmenu));
- return FAIL;
- }
- if (menu_nable_recurse(menu->children, p, modes, enable)
- == FAIL)
- return FAIL;
- }
- else
- if (enable)
- menu->enabled |= modes;
- else
- menu->enabled &= ~modes;
- /*
- * When name is empty, we are doing all menu items for the given
- * modes, so keep looping, otherwise we are just doing the named
- * menu item (which has been found) so break here.
- */
- if (*name != NUL && *name != '*')
- break;
- }
- menu = menu->next;
- }
- if (*name != NUL && *name != '*' && menu == NULL)
- {
- EMSG(_(e_nomenu));
- return FAIL;
- }
- #ifdef FEAT_GUI
- /* Want to update menus now even if mode not changed */
- force_menu_update = TRUE;
- #endif
- return OK;
- }
- /*
- * Remove the (sub)menu with the given name from the menu hierarchy
- * Called recursively.
- */
- static int
- remove_menu(menup, name, modes, silent)
- vimmenu_T **menup;
- char_u *name;
- int modes;
- int silent; /* don't give error messages */
- {
- vimmenu_T *menu;
- vimmenu_T *child;
- char_u *p;
- if (*menup == NULL)
- return OK; /* Got to bottom of hierarchy */
- /* Get name of this element in the menu hierarchy */
- p = menu_name_skip(name);
- /* Find the menu */
- while ((menu = *menup) != NULL)
- {
- if (*name == NUL || menu_name_equal(name, menu))
- {
- if (*p != NUL && menu->children == NULL)
- {
- if (!silent)
- EMSG(_(e_notsubmenu));
- return FAIL;
- }
- if ((menu->modes & modes) != 0x0)
- {
- #if defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) & defined(FEAT_TEAROFF)
- /*
- * If we are removing all entries for this menu,MENU_ALL_MODES,
- * Then kill any tearoff before we start
- */
- if (*p == NUL && modes == MENU_ALL_MODES)
- {
- if (IsWindow(menu->tearoff_handle))
- DestroyWindow(menu->tearoff_handle);
- }
- #endif
- if (remove_menu(&menu->children, p, modes, silent) == FAIL)
- return FAIL;
- }
- else if (*name != NUL)
- {
- if (!silent)
- EMSG(_(e_othermode));
- return FAIL;
- }
- /*
- * When name is empty, we are removing all menu items for the given
- * modes, so keep looping, otherwise we are just removing the named
- * menu item (which has been found) so break here.
- */
- if (*name != NUL)
- break;
- /* Remove the menu item for the given mode[s]. If the menu item
- * is no longer valid in ANY mode, delete it */
- menu->modes &= ~modes;
- if (modes & MENU_TIP_MODE)
- free_menu_string(menu, MENU_INDEX_TIP);
- if ((menu->modes & MENU_ALL_MODES) == 0)
- free_menu(menup);
- else
- menup = &menu->next;
- }
- else
- menup = &menu->next;
- }
- if (*name != NUL)
- {
- if (menu == NULL)
- {
- if (!silent)
- EMSG(_(e_nomenu));
- return FAIL;
- }
- /* Recalculate modes for menu based on the new updated children */
- menu->modes &= ~modes;
- #if defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) & defined(FEAT_TEAROFF)
- if ((s_tearoffs) && (menu->children != NULL)) /* there's a tear bar.. */
- child = menu->children->next; /* don't count tearoff bar */
- else
- #endif
- child = menu->children;
- for ( ; child != NULL; child = child->next)
- menu->modes |= child->modes;
- if (modes & MENU_TIP_MODE)
- {
- free_menu_string(menu, MENU_INDEX_TIP);
- #if defined(FEAT_TOOLBAR) && defined(FEAT_BEVAL)
- /* Need to update the menu tip. */
- if (gui.in_use)
- gui_mch_menu_set_tip(menu);
- #endif
- }
- if ((menu->modes & MENU_ALL_MODES) == 0)
- {
- /* The menu item is no longer valid in ANY mode, so delete it */
- #if defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) & defined(FEAT_TEAROFF)
- if (s_tearoffs && menu->children != NULL) /* there's a tear bar.. */
- free_menu(&menu->children);
- #endif
- *menup = menu;
- free_menu(menup);
- }
- }
- return OK;
- }
- /*
- * Free the given menu structure and remove it from the linked list.
- */
- static void
- free_menu(menup)
- vimmenu_T **menup;
- {
- int i;
- vimmenu_T *menu;
- menu = *menup;
- #ifdef FEAT_GUI
- /* Free machine specific menu structures (only when already created) */
- /* Also may rebuild a tearoff'ed menu */
- if (gui.in_use)
- gui_mch_destroy_menu(menu);
- #endif
- /* Don't change *menup until after calling gui_mch_destroy_menu(). The
- * MacOS code needs the original structure to properly delete the menu. */
- *menup = menu->next;
- vim_free(menu->name);
- vim_free(menu->dname);
- vim_free(menu->actext);
- vim_free(menu->iconfile);
- #endif
- for (i = 0; i < MENU_MODES; i++)
- free_menu_string(menu, i);
- vim_free(menu);
- #ifdef FEAT_GUI
- /* Want to update menus now even if mode not changed */
- force_menu_update = TRUE;
- #endif
- }
- /*
- * Free the menu->string with the given index.
- */
- static void
- free_menu_string(menu, idx)
- vimmenu_T *menu;
- int idx;
- {
- int count = 0;
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < MENU_MODES; i++)
- if (menu->strings[i] == menu->strings[idx])
- count++;
- if (count == 1)
- vim_free(menu->strings[idx]);
- menu->strings[idx] = NULL;
- }
- /*
- * Show the mapping associated with a menu item or hierarchy in a sub-menu.
- */
- static int
- show_menus(path_name, modes)
- char_u *path_name;
- int modes;
- {
- char_u *p;
- char_u *name;
- vimmenu_T *menu;
- vimmenu_T *parent = NULL;
- menu = root_menu;
- name = path_name = vim_strsave(path_name);
- if (path_name == NULL)
- return FAIL;
- /* First, find the (sub)menu with the given name */
- while (*name)
- {
- p = menu_name_skip(name);
- while (menu != NULL)
- {
- if (menu_name_equal(name, menu))
- {
- /* Found menu */
- if (*p != NUL && menu->children == NULL)
- {
- EMSG(_(e_notsubmenu));
- vim_free(path_name);
- return FAIL;
- }
- else if ((menu->modes & modes) == 0x0)
- {
- EMSG(_(e_othermode));
- vim_free(path_name);
- return FAIL;
- }
- break;
- }
- menu = menu->next;
- }
- if (menu == NULL)
- {
- EMSG(_(e_nomenu));
- vim_free(path_name);
- return FAIL;
- }
- name = p;
- parent = menu;
- menu = menu->children;
- }
- /* Now we have found the matching menu, and we list the mappings */
- /* Highlight title */
- MSG_PUTS_TITLE(_("\n--- Menus ---"));
- show_menus_recursive(parent, modes, 0);
- return OK;
- }
- /*
- * Recursively show the mappings associated with the menus under the given one
- */
- static void
- show_menus_recursive(menu, modes, depth)
- vimmenu_T *menu;
- int modes;
- int depth;
- {
- int i;
- int bit;
- if (menu != NULL && (menu->modes & modes) == 0x0)
- return;
- if (menu != NULL)
- {
- msg_putchar('\n');
- if (got_int) /* "q" hit for "--more--" */
- return;
- for (i = 0; i < depth; i++)
- MSG_PUTS(" ");
- if (menu->priority)
- {
- msg_outnum((long)menu->priority);
- MSG_PUTS(" ");
- }
- /* Same highlighting as for directories!? */
- msg_outtrans_attr(menu->name, hl_attr(HLF_D));
- }
- if (menu != NULL && menu->children == NULL)
- {
- for (bit = 0; bit < MENU_MODES; bit++)
- if ((menu->modes & modes & (1 << bit)) != 0)
- {
- msg_putchar('\n');
- if (got_int) /* "q" hit for "--more--" */
- return;
- for (i = 0; i < depth + 2; i++)
- MSG_PUTS(" ");
- msg_putchar(menu_mode_chars[bit]);
- if (menu->noremap[bit] == REMAP_NONE)
- msg_putchar('*');
- else if (menu->noremap[bit] == REMAP_SCRIPT)
- msg_putchar('&');
- else
- msg_putchar(' ');
- if (menu->silent[bit])
- msg_putchar('s');
- else
- msg_putchar(' ');
- if ((menu->modes & menu->enabled & (1 << bit)) == 0)
- msg_putchar('-');
- else
- msg_putchar(' ');
- MSG_PUTS(" ");
- msg_outtrans_special(menu->strings[bit], FALSE);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (menu == NULL)
- {
- menu = root_menu;
- depth--;
- }
- else
- menu = menu->children;
- /* recursively show all children. Skip PopUp[nvoci]. */
- for (; menu != NULL && !got_int; menu = menu->next)
- if (!menu_is_hidden(menu->dname))
- show_menus_recursive(menu, modes, depth + 1);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Used when expanding menu names.
- */
- static vimmenu_T *expand_menu = NULL;
- static int expand_modes = 0x0;
- /*
- * Work out what to complete when doing command line completion of menu names.
- */
- char_u *
- set_context_in_menu_cmd(xp, cmd, arg, forceit)
- expand_T *xp;
- char_u *cmd;
- char_u *arg;
- int forceit;
- {
- char_u *after_dot;
- char_u *p;
- char_u *path_name = NULL;
- char_u *name;
- int unmenu;
- vimmenu_T *menu;
- int expand_menus;
- xp->xp_context = EXPAND_UNSUCCESSFUL;
- /* Check for priority numbers, enable and disable */
- for (p = arg; *p; ++p)
- if (!isdigit(*p) && *p != '.')
- break;
- if (!vim_iswhite(*p))
- {
- if (STRNCMP(arg, "enable", 6) == 0
- && (arg[6] == NUL || vim_iswhite(arg[6])))
- p = arg + 6;
- else if (STRNCMP(arg, "disable", 7) == 0
- && (arg[7] == NUL || vim_iswhite(arg[7])))
- p = arg + 7;
- else
- p = arg;
- }
- while (*p != NUL && vim_iswhite(*p))
- ++p;
- arg = after_dot = p;
- for (; *p && !vim_iswhite(*p); ++p)
- {
- if ((*p == '\\' || *p == Ctrl_V) && p[1] != NUL)
- p++;
- else if (*p == '.')
- after_dot = p + 1;
- }
- expand_menus = !(*cmd == 't' || *cmd == 'p');
- if (expand_menus && vim_iswhite(*p))
- return NULL; /* TODO: check for next command? */
- if (*p == NUL) /* Complete the menu name */
- {
- /*
- * With :unmenu, you only want to match menus for the appropriate mode.
- * With :menu though you might want to add a menu with the same name as
- * one in another mode, so match menus from other modes too.
- */
- expand_modes = get_menu_cmd_modes(cmd, forceit, NULL, &unmenu);
- if (!unmenu)
- expand_modes = MENU_ALL_MODES;
- menu = root_menu;
- if (after_dot != arg)
- {
- path_name = alloc((unsigned)(after_dot - arg));
- if (path_name == NULL)
- return NULL;
- STRNCPY(path_name, arg, after_dot - arg - 1);
- path_name[after_dot - arg - 1] = NUL;
- }
- name = path_name;
- while (name != NULL && *name)
- {
- p = menu_name_skip(name);
- while (menu != NULL)
- {
- if (menu_name_equal(name, menu))
- {
- /* Found menu */
- if ((*p != NUL && menu->children == NULL)
- || ((menu->modes & expand_modes) == 0x0))
- {
- /*
- * Menu path continues, but we have reached a leaf.
- * Or menu exists only in another mode.
- */
- vim_free(path_name);
- return NULL;
- }
- break;
- }
- menu = menu->next;
- }
- if (menu == NULL)
- {
- /* No menu found with the name we were looking for */
- vim_free(path_name);
- return NULL;
- }
- name = p;
- menu = menu->children;
- }
- xp->xp_context = expand_menus ? EXPAND_MENUNAMES : EXPAND_MENUS;
- xp->xp_pattern = after_dot;
- expand_menu = menu;
- }
- else /* We're in the mapping part */
- xp->xp_context = EXPAND_NOTHING;
- return NULL;
- }
- /*
- * Function given to ExpandGeneric() to obtain the list of group names.
- */
- char_u *
- get_menu_name(xp, idx)
- expand_T *xp;
- int idx;
- {
- static vimmenu_T *menu = NULL;
- static int get_dname = FALSE; /* return menu->dname next time */
- char_u *str;
- if (idx == 0) /* first call: start at first item */
- {
- menu = expand_menu;
- get_dname = FALSE;
- }
- /* Skip PopUp[nvoci]. */
- while (menu != NULL && (menu_is_hidden(menu->dname)
- /* || menu_is_separator(menu->dname) */
- || menu_is_tearoff(menu->dname)
- || (xp->xp_context == EXPAND_MENUS && menu->children == NULL)))
- menu = menu->next;
- if (menu == NULL) /* at end of linked list */
- return NULL;
- if (menu->modes & expand_modes)
- {
- if (get_dname)
- {
- str = menu->dname;
- get_dname = FALSE;
- }
- else
- {
- str = menu->name;
- if (STRCMP(menu->name, menu->dname))
- get_dname = TRUE;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- str = (char_u *)"";
- get_dname = FALSE;
- }
- /* Advance to next menu entry. */
- if (!get_dname)
- menu = menu->next;
- return str;
- }
- /*
- * Function given to ExpandGeneric() to obtain the list of group names.
- */
- char_u *
- get_menu_names(xp, idx)
- expand_T *xp;
- int idx;
- {
- static vimmenu_T *menu = NULL;
- static char_u tbuffer[256]; /*hack*/
- char_u *str;
- if (idx == 0) /* first call: start at first item */
- menu = expand_menu;
- /* Skip Browse-style entries, popup menus and separators. */
- while (menu != NULL
- && ( menu_is_hidden(menu->dname)
- /* || menu_is_separator(menu->dname) */
- || menu_is_tearoff(menu->dname)
- || (xp->xp_context == EXPAND_MENUS && menu->children == NULL)
- #ifndef FEAT_BROWSE
- || menu->dname[STRLEN(menu->dname) - 1] == '.'
- #endif
- ))
- menu = menu->next;
- if (menu == NULL) /* at end of linked list */
- return NULL;
- if (menu->modes & expand_modes)
- {
- if (menu->children != NULL)
- {
- STRCPY(tbuffer, menu->dname);
- /* hack on menu separators: use a 'magic' char for the separator
- * so that '.' in names gets escaped properly */
- STRCAT(tbuffer, "\001");
- str = tbuffer;
- }
- else
- str = menu->dname;
- }
- else
- str = (char_u *)"";
- /* Advance to next menu entry. */
- menu = menu->next;
- return str;
- }
- #endif /* FEAT_CMDL_COMPL */
- /*
- * Skip over this element of the menu path and return the start of the next
- * element. Any \ and ^Vs are removed from the current element.
- */
- char_u *
- menu_name_skip(name)
- char_u *name;
- {
- char_u *p;
- for (p = name; *p && *p != '.'; p++)
- {
- if (*p == '\\' || *p == Ctrl_V)
- {
- mch_memmove(p, p + 1, STRLEN(p));
- if (*p == NUL)
- break;
- }
- #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
- if (has_mbyte)
- p += (*mb_ptr2len_check)(p) - 1; /* skip multibyte char */
- #endif
- }
- if (*p)
- *p++ = NUL;
- return p;
- }
- /*
- * Return TRUE when "name" matches with menu "menu". The name is compared in
- * two ways: raw menu name and menu name without '&'. ignore part after a TAB.
- */
- static int
- menu_name_equal(name, menu)
- char_u *name;
- vimmenu_T *menu;
- {
- return (menu_namecmp(name, menu->name) || menu_namecmp(name, menu->dname));
- }
- static int
- menu_namecmp(name, mname)
- char_u *name;
- char_u *mname;
- {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; name[i] != NUL && name[i] != TAB; ++i)
- if (name[i] != mname[i])
- break;
- return ((name[i] == NUL || name[i] == TAB)
- && (mname[i] == NUL || mname[i] == TAB));
- }
- /*
- * Return the modes specified by the given menu command (eg :menu! returns
- * If "noremap" is not NULL, then the flag it points to is set according to
- * whether the command is a "nore" command.
- * If "unmenu" is not NULL, then the flag it points to is set according to
- * whether the command is an "unmenu" command.
- */
- static int
- get_menu_cmd_modes(cmd, forceit, noremap, unmenu)
- char_u *cmd;
- int forceit; /* Was there a "!" after the command? */
- int *noremap;
- int *unmenu;
- {
- int modes;
- switch (*cmd++)
- {
- case 'v': /* vmenu, vunmenu, vnoremenu */
- break;
- case 'o': /* omenu */
- break;
- case 'i': /* imenu */
- break;
- case 't':
- modes = MENU_TIP_MODE; /* tmenu */
- break;
- case 'c': /* cmenu */
- break;
- case 'a': /* amenu */
- break;
- case 'n':
- if (cmd[1] != 'o') /* nmenu */
- {
- break;
- }
- default:
- --cmd;
- if (forceit) /* menu!! */
- else /* menu */
- }
- if (noremap != NULL)
- *noremap = (*cmd == 'n' ? REMAP_NONE : REMAP_YES);
- if (unmenu != NULL)
- *unmenu = (*cmd == 'u');
- return modes;
- }
- /*
- * Modify a menu name starting with "PopUp" to include the mode character.
- * Returns the name in allocated memory (NULL for failure).
- */
- static char_u *
- popup_mode_name(name, idx)
- char_u *name;
- int idx;
- {
- char_u *p;
- int len = (int)STRLEN(name);
- p = vim_strnsave(name, len + 1);
- if (p != NULL)
- {
- mch_memmove(p + 6, p + 5, (size_t)(len - 4));
- p[5] = menu_mode_chars[idx];
- }
- return p;
- }
- #if defined(FEAT_GUI) || defined(PROTO)
- /*
- * Return the index into the menu->strings or menu->noremap arrays for the
- * current state. Returns MENU_INDEX_INVALID if there is no mapping for the
- * given menu in the current mode.
- */
- int
- get_menu_index(menu, state)
- vimmenu_T *menu;
- int state;
- {
- int idx;
- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
- if (VIsual_active)
- else
- #endif
- if ((state & INSERT))
- else if ((state & CMDLINE) || state == HITRETURN || state == ASKMORE)
- else if (finish_op)
- else if ((state & NORMAL))
- else
- if (idx != MENU_INDEX_INVALID && menu->strings[idx] == NULL)
- return idx;
- }
- #endif
- /*
- * Duplicate the menu item text and then process to see if a mnemonic key
- * and/or accelerator text has been identified.
- * Returns a pointer to allocated memory, or NULL for failure.
- * If mnemonic != NULL, *mnemonic is set to the character after the first '&'.
- * If actext != NULL, *actext is set to the text after the first TAB.
- */
- static char_u *
- menu_text(str, mnemonic, actext)
- char_u *str;
- int *mnemonic;
- char_u **actext;
- {
- char_u *p;
- char_u *text;
- /* Locate accelerator text, after the first TAB */
- p = vim_strchr(str, TAB);
- if (p != NULL)
- {
- if (actext != NULL)
- *actext = vim_strsave(p + 1);
- text = vim_strnsave(str, (int)(p - str));
- }
- else
- text = vim_strsave(str);
- if (text != NULL)
- {
- p = vim_strchr(text, '&');
- if (p != NULL)
- {
- if (mnemonic != NULL)
- #if !defined(__MVS__) || defined(MOTIF390_MNEMONIC_FIXED)
- *mnemonic = p[1];
- #else
- {
- /*
- * Well there is a bug in the Motif libraries on OS390 Unix.
- * The mnemonic keys needs to be converted to ASCII values
- * first.
- * This behavior has been seen in 2.8 and 2.9.
- */
- char c = p[1];
- __etoa_l(&c, 1);
- *mnemonic = c;
- }
- #endif
- mch_memmove(p, p + 1, STRLEN(p));
- }
- }
- return text;
- }
- /*
- * Return TRUE if "name" can be a menu in the MenuBar.
- */
- int
- menu_is_menubar(name)
- char_u *name;
- {
- return (!menu_is_popup(name)
- && !menu_is_toolbar(name)
- && *name != MNU_HIDDEN_CHAR);
- }
- /*
- * Return TRUE if "name" is a popup menu name.
- */
- int
- menu_is_popup(name)
- char_u *name;
- {
- return (STRNCMP(name, "PopUp", 5) == 0);
- }
- #if defined(FEAT_GUI_MOTIF) || defined(PROTO)
- /*
- * Return TRUE if "name" is part of a poup menu.
- */
- int
- menu_is_child_of_popup(menu)
- vimmenu_T *menu;
- {
- while (menu->parent != NULL)
- menu = menu->parent;
- return menu_is_popup(menu->name);
- }
- #endif
- /*
- * Return TRUE if "name" is a toolbar menu name.
- */
- int
- menu_is_toolbar(name)
- char_u *name;
- {
- return (STRNCMP(name, "ToolBar", 7) == 0);
- }
- /*
- * Return TRUE if the name is a menu separator identifier: Starts and ends
- * with '-'
- */
- int
- menu_is_separator(name)
- char_u *name;
- {
- return (name[0] == '-' && name[STRLEN(name) - 1] == '-');
- }
- /*
- * Return TRUE if the menu is hidden: Starts with ']'
- */
- static int
- menu_is_hidden(name)
- char_u *name;
- {
- return (name[0] == ']') || (menu_is_popup(name) && name[5] != NUL);
- }
- #if defined(FEAT_CMDL_COMPL) \
- || (defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) && defined(FEAT_TEAROFF))
- /*
- * Return TRUE if the menu is the tearoff menu.
- */
- static int
- menu_is_tearoff(name)
- char_u *name;
- {
- #ifdef FEAT_GUI
- return (STRCMP(name, TEAR_STRING) == 0);
- #else
- return FALSE;
- #endif
- }
- #endif
- #ifdef FEAT_GUI
- static int
- get_menu_mode()
- {
- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
- if (VIsual_active)
- #endif
- if (State & INSERT)
- if ((State & CMDLINE) || State == ASKMORE || State == HITRETURN)
- if (finish_op)
- if (State & NORMAL)
- if (State & LANGMAP) /* must be a "r" command, like Insert mode */
- }
- /*
- * After we have started the GUI, then we can create any menus that have been
- * defined. This is done once here. add_menu_path() may have already been
- * called to define these menus, and may be called again. This function calls
- * itself recursively. Should be called at the top level with:
- * gui_create_initial_menus(root_menu, NULL);
- */
- void
- gui_create_initial_menus(menu)
- vimmenu_T *menu;
- {
- int idx = 0;
- while (menu != NULL)
- {
- /* Don't add a menu when only a tip was defined. */
- if (menu->modes & MENU_ALL_MODES)
- {
- if (menu->children != NULL)
- {
- gui_mch_add_menu(menu, idx);
- gui_create_initial_menus(menu->children);
- }
- else
- gui_mch_add_menu_item(menu, idx);
- }
- menu = menu->next;
- ++idx;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Used recursively by gui_update_menus (see below)
- */
- static void
- gui_update_menus_recurse(menu, mode)
- vimmenu_T *menu;
- int mode;
- {
- int grey;
- while (menu)
- {
- if ((menu->modes & menu->enabled & mode)
- #if defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) && defined(FEAT_TEAROFF)
- || menu_is_tearoff(menu->dname)
- #endif
- )
- grey = FALSE;
- else
- grey = TRUE;
- /* Hiding menus doesn't work for Athena, it can cause a crash. */
- gui_mch_menu_grey(menu, grey);
- #else
- /* Never hide a toplevel menu, it may make the menubar resize or
- * disappear. Same problem for ToolBar items. */
- if (vim_strchr(p_go, GO_GREY) != NULL || menu->parent == NULL
- # ifdef FEAT_TOOLBAR
- || menu_is_toolbar(menu->parent->name)
- # endif
- )
- gui_mch_menu_grey(menu, grey);
- else
- gui_mch_menu_hidden(menu, grey);
- #endif
- gui_update_menus_recurse(menu->children, mode);
- menu = menu->next;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Make sure only the valid menu items appear for this mode. If
- * force_menu_update is not TRUE, then we only do this if the mode has changed
- * since last time. If "modes" is not 0, then we use these modes instead.
- */
- void
- gui_update_menus(modes)
- int modes;
- {
- static int prev_mode = -1;
- int mode = 0;
- if (modes != 0x0)
- mode = modes;
- else
- {
- mode = get_menu_mode();
- if (mode == MENU_INDEX_INVALID)
- mode = 0;
- else
- mode = (1 << mode);
- }
- if (force_menu_update || mode != prev_mode)
- {
- gui_update_menus_recurse(root_menu, mode);
- gui_mch_draw_menubar();
- prev_mode = mode;
- force_menu_update = FALSE;
- #ifdef FEAT_GUI_W32
- /* This can leave a tearoff as active window - make sure we
- * have the focus <negri>*/
- gui_mch_activate_window();
- #endif
- }
- }
- #if defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) || defined(FEAT_GUI_MOTIF) || defined(FEAT_GUI_GTK) \
- || defined(FEAT_GUI_PHOTON) || defined(PROTO)
- /*
- * Check if a key is used as a mnemonic for a toplevel menu.
- * Case of the key is ignored.
- */
- int
- gui_is_menu_shortcut(key)
- int key;
- {
- vimmenu_T *menu;
- if (key < 256)
- key = TO_LOWER(key);
- for (menu = root_menu; menu != NULL; menu = menu->next)
- if (menu->mnemonic == key
- || (menu->mnemonic < 256 && TO_LOWER(menu->mnemonic) == key))
- return TRUE;
- return FALSE;
- }
- #endif
- /*
- * Display the Special "PopUp" menu as a pop-up at the current mouse
- * position. The "PopUpn" menu is for Normal mode, "PopUpi" for Insert mode,
- * etc.
- */
- void
- gui_show_popupmenu()
- {
- vimmenu_T *menu;
- int mode;
- mode = get_menu_mode();
- if (mode == MENU_INDEX_INVALID)
- return;
- mode = menu_mode_chars[mode];
- for (menu = root_menu; menu != NULL; menu = menu->next)
- if (STRNCMP("PopUp", menu->name, 5) == 0 && menu->name[5] == mode)
- break;
- /* Only show a popup when it is defined and has entries */
- if (menu != NULL && menu->children != NULL)
- gui_mch_show_popupmenu(menu);
- }
- #endif /* FEAT_GUI */
- #if (defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) && defined(FEAT_TEAROFF)) || defined(PROTO)
- /*
- * Deal with tearoff items that are added like a menu item.
- * Currently only for Win32 GUI. Others may follow later.
- */
- void
- gui_mch_toggle_tearoffs(int enable)
- {
- int pri_tab[MENUDEPTH + 1];
- int i;
- if (enable)
- {
- for (i = 0; i < MENUDEPTH; ++i)
- pri_tab[i] = 500;
- pri_tab[MENUDEPTH] = -1;
- gui_create_tearoffs_recurse(root_menu, (char_u *)"", pri_tab, 0);
- }
- else
- gui_destroy_tearoffs_recurse(root_menu);
- s_tearoffs = enable;
- }
- /*
- * Recursively add tearoff items
- */
- static void
- gui_create_tearoffs_recurse(menu, pname, pri_tab, pri_idx)
- vimmenu_T *menu;
- const char_u *pname;
- int *pri_tab;
- int pri_idx;
- {
- char_u *newpname = NULL;
- int len;
- char_u *s;
- char_u *d;
- if (pri_tab[pri_idx + 1] != -1)
- ++pri_idx;
- while (menu != NULL)
- {
- if (menu->children != NULL && menu_is_menubar(menu->name))
- {
- /* Add the menu name to the menu path. Insert a backslash before
- * dots (it's used to separate menu names). */
- len = (int)STRLEN(pname) + (int)STRLEN(menu->name);
- for (s = menu->name; *s; ++s)
- if (*s == '.' || *s == '\\')
- ++len;
- newpname = alloc(len + TEAR_LEN + 2);
- if (newpname != NULL)
- {
- STRCPY(newpname, pname);
- d = newpname + STRLEN(newpname);
- for (s = menu->name; *s; ++s)
- {
- if (*s == '.' || *s == '\\')
- *d++ = '\\';
- *d++ = *s;
- }
- *d = NUL;
- /* check if tearoff already exists */
- if (STRCMP(menu->children->name, TEAR_STRING) != 0)
- {
- gui_add_tearoff(newpname, pri_tab, pri_idx - 1);
- *d = NUL; /* remove TEAR_STRING */
- }
- STRCAT(newpname, ".");
- gui_create_tearoffs_recurse(menu->children, newpname,
- pri_tab, pri_idx);
- vim_free(newpname);
- }
- }
- menu = menu->next;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Add tear-off menu item for a submenu.
- * "tearpath" is the menu path, and must have room to add TEAR_STRING.
- */
- static void
- gui_add_tearoff(tearpath, pri_tab, pri_idx)
- char_u *tearpath;
- int *pri_tab;
- int pri_idx;
- {
- char_u *tbuf;
- int t;
- vimmenu_T menuarg;
- tbuf = alloc(5 + (unsigned int)STRLEN(tearpath));
- if (tbuf != NULL)
- {
- tbuf[0] = K_SPECIAL;
- tbuf[1] = K_SECOND(K_TEAROFF);
- tbuf[2] = K_THIRD(K_TEAROFF);
- STRCPY(tbuf + 3, tearpath);
- STRCAT(tbuf + 3, "\r");
- STRCAT(tearpath, ".");
- STRCAT(tearpath, TEAR_STRING);
- /* Priority of tear-off is always 1 */
- t = pri_tab[pri_idx + 1];
- pri_tab[pri_idx + 1] = 1;
- menuarg.iconfile = NULL;
- menuarg.iconidx = -1;
- menuarg.icon_builtin = FALSE;
- #endif
- menuarg.noremap[0] = REMAP_NONE;
- menuarg.silent[0] = TRUE;
- menuarg.modes = MENU_ALL_MODES;
- add_menu_path(tearpath, &menuarg, pri_tab, tbuf, FALSE);
- menuarg.modes = MENU_TIP_MODE;
- add_menu_path(tearpath, &menuarg, pri_tab,
- (char_u *)_("Tear off this menu"), FALSE);
- pri_tab[pri_idx + 1] = t;
- vim_free(tbuf);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Recursively destroy tearoff items
- */
- static void
- gui_destroy_tearoffs_recurse(menu)
- vimmenu_T *menu;
- {
- while (menu)
- {
- if (menu->children)
- {
- /* check if tearoff exists */
- if (STRCMP(menu->children->name, TEAR_STRING) == 0)
- {
- /* Disconnect the item and free the memory */
- free_menu(&menu->children);
- }
- if (menu->children != NULL) /* if not the last one */
- gui_destroy_tearoffs_recurse(menu->children);
- }
- menu = menu->next;
- }
- }
- #endif /* FEAT_GUI_W32 && FEAT_TEAROFF */
- /*
- * Given a menu descriptor, e.g. "File.New", find it in the menu hierarchy and
- * execute it.
- */
- void
- ex_emenu(eap)
- exarg_T *eap;
- {
- vimmenu_T *menu;
- char_u *name;
- char_u *saved_name;
- char_u *p;
- int idx;
- char_u *mode;
- saved_name = vim_strsave(eap->arg);
- if (saved_name == NULL)
- return;
- menu = root_menu;
- name = saved_name;
- while (*name)
- {
- /* Find in the menu hierarchy */
- p = menu_name_skip(name);
- while (menu != NULL)
- {
- if (menu_name_equal(name, menu))
- {
- if (*p == NUL && menu->children != NULL)
- {
- EMSG(_("E333: Menu path must lead to a menu item"));
- menu = NULL;
- }
- else if (*p != NUL && menu->children == NULL)
- {
- EMSG(_(e_notsubmenu));
- menu = NULL;
- }
- break;
- }
- menu = menu->next;
- }
- if (menu == NULL || *p == NUL)
- break;
- menu = menu->children;
- name = p;
- }
- vim_free(saved_name);
- if (menu == NULL)
- {
- EMSG2(_("E334: Menu not found: %s"), eap->arg);
- return;
- }
- /* Found the menu, so execute. */
- if (restart_edit)
- {
- mode = (char_u *)"Insert";
- }
- else if (eap->addr_count)
- {
- pos_T tpos;
- mode = (char_u *)"Visual";
- /* GEDDES: This is not perfect - but it is a
- * quick way of detecting whether we are doing this from a
- * selection - see if the range matches up with the visual
- * select start and end.
- */
- if ((curbuf->b_visual_start.lnum == eap->line1)
- && (curbuf->b_visual_end.lnum) == eap->line2)
- {
- /* Set it up for visual mode - equivalent to gv. */
- VIsual_mode = curbuf->b_visual_mode;
- tpos = curbuf->b_visual_end;
- curwin->w_cursor = curbuf->b_visual_start;
- curwin->w_curswant = curbuf->b_visual_curswant;
- }
- else
- {
- /* Set it up for line-wise visual mode */
- VIsual_mode = 'V';
- curwin->w_cursor.lnum = eap->line1;
- curwin->w_cursor.col = 1;
- tpos.lnum = eap->line2;
- tpos.col = MAXCOL;
- }
- /* Activate visual mode
- */
- VIsual_active = TRUE;
- VIsual_reselect = TRUE;
- check_cursor();
- VIsual = curwin->w_cursor;
- curwin->w_cursor = tpos;
- check_cursor();
- /* Adjust the cursor to make sure it is in the correct pos
- * for exclusive mode
- */
- if (*p_sel == 'e' && gchar_cursor() != NUL)
- ++curwin->w_cursor.col;
- }
- else
- {
- mode = (char_u *)"Normal";
- }
- if (idx != MENU_INDEX_INVALID && menu->strings[idx] != NULL)
- {
- ins_typebuf(menu->strings[idx], menu->noremap[idx], 0,
- TRUE, menu->silent[idx]);
- }
- else
- EMSG2(_("E335: Menu not defined for %s mode"), mode);
- }
- #if defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) || (defined(FEAT_BEVAL) \
- && (defined(FEAT_GUI_ATHENA) || defined(FEAT_GUI_MOTIF))) \
- || defined(PROTO)
- /*
- * Given a menu descriptor, e.g. "File.New", find it in the menu hierarchy.
- */
- vimmenu_T *
- gui_find_menu(path_name)
- char_u *path_name;
- {
- vimmenu_T *menu = NULL;
- char_u *name;
- char_u *saved_name;
- char_u *p;
- menu = root_menu;
- saved_name = vim_strsave(path_name);
- if (saved_name == NULL)
- return NULL;
- name = saved_name;
- while (*name)
- {
- /* find the end of one dot-separated name and put a NUL at the dot */
- p = menu_name_skip(name);
- while (menu != NULL)
- {
- if (STRCMP(name, menu->name) == 0 || STRCMP(name, menu->dname) == 0)
- {
- if (menu->children == NULL)
- {
- /* found a menu item instead of a sub-menu */
- if (*p == NUL)
- EMSG(_("E336: Menu path must lead to a sub-menu"));
- else
- EMSG(_(e_notsubmenu));
- menu = NULL;
- goto theend;
- }
- if (*p == NUL) /* found a full match */
- goto theend;
- break;
- }
- menu = menu->next;
- }
- if (menu == NULL) /* didn't find it */
- break;
- /* Found a match, search the sub-menu. */
- menu = menu->children;
- name = p;
- }
- if (menu == NULL)
- EMSG(_("E337: Menu not found - check menu names"));
- theend:
- vim_free(saved_name);
- return menu;
- }
- #endif
- /*
- * Translation of menu names. Just a simple lookup table.
- */
- typedef struct
- {
- char_u *from; /* English name */
- char_u *to; /* translated name */
- } menutrans_T;
- static garray_T menutrans_ga = {0, 0, 0, 0, NULL};
- #endif
- /*
- * ":menutrans".
- * This function is also defined without the +multi_lang feature, in which
- * case the commands are ignored.
- */
- void
- ex_menutranslate(eap)
- exarg_T *eap;
- {
- char_u *arg = eap->arg;
- menutrans_T *tp;
- int i;
- char_u *from, *to;
- if (menutrans_ga.ga_itemsize == 0)
- ga_init2(&menutrans_ga, (int)sizeof(menutrans_T), 5);
- /*
- * ":menutrans clear": clear all translations.
- */
- if (STRNCMP(arg, "clear", 5) == 0 && ends_excmd(*skipwhite(arg + 5)))
- {
- tp = (menutrans_T *)menutrans_ga.ga_data;
- for (i = 0; i < menutrans_ga.ga_len; ++i)
- {
- vim_free(tp[i].from);
- vim_free(tp[i].to);
- }
- ga_clear(&menutrans_ga);
- # ifdef FEAT_EVAL
- /* Delete all "menutrans_" global variables. */
- del_menutrans_vars();
- # endif
- }
- else
- {
- /* ":menutrans from to": add translation */
- from = arg;
- arg = menu_skip_part(arg);
- to = skipwhite(arg);
- *arg = NUL;
- arg = menu_skip_part(to);
- if (arg == to)
- EMSG(_(e_invarg));
- else
- {
- if (ga_grow(&menutrans_ga, 1) == OK)
- {
- tp = (menutrans_T *)menutrans_ga.ga_data;
- from = vim_strsave(from);
- to = vim_strnsave(to, (int)(arg - to));
- if (from != NULL && to != NULL)
- {
- tp[menutrans_ga.ga_len].from = from;
- tp[menutrans_ga.ga_len].to = to;
- ++menutrans_ga.ga_len;
- --menutrans_ga.ga_room;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- #endif
- }
- #if defined(FEAT_MULTI_LANG) || defined(FEAT_TOOLBAR)
- /*
- * Find the character just after one part of a menu name.
- */
- static char_u *
- menu_skip_part(p)
- char_u *p;
- {
- while (*p != NUL && *p != '.' && !vim_iswhite(*p))
- {
- if ((*p == '\\' || *p == Ctrl_V) && p[1] != NUL)
- ++p;
- ++p;
- }
- return p;
- }
- #endif
- /*
- * Lookup part of a menu name in the translations.
- * Return a pointer to the translation or NULL if not found.
- */
- static char_u *
- menutrans_lookup(name, len)
- char_u *name;
- int len;
- {
- menutrans_T *tp = (menutrans_T *)menutrans_ga.ga_data;
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < menutrans_ga.ga_len; ++i)
- if (STRNCMP(name, tp[i].from, len) == 0 && tp[i].from[len] == NUL)
- return tp[i].to;
- return NULL;
- }
- #endif /* FEAT_MULTI_LANG */
- #endif /* FEAT_MENU */